Juris Doctor
Arizona Summit Law School (2013-2015)
- Magnum Cum Laude
- Merit scholarship maintained for duration
- Dean's list receipt for duration
- Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity
- Advanced Writing Requirement
Master of Public Health-Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Certificate - Public Health Preparedness and Disaster Response
University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of public Health (2009-2011)
- 3.77 GPA
- Inducted as a student into Delta Omega - National Honorary Society in Public Health
- Members are inducted by chapters through a highly-selective process that assesses their outstanding performance and devotion to the field. Membership reflects the dedication of an individual to increasing the quality of the field, as well as to the protection and advancement of the health of all people.
- GSPH Executive Board Member
- GSPH Representative for the University of Pittsburgh Graduate and Professional Students Assembly
- Graduate Student Researcher: University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Department in Dr. Anil Ojha's lab
- Graduate Thesis: Optimization Of rTDMH As A Reagent Toward Improving The Sensitivity Of The RT-PCR Based Diagnosis For Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Bachelor of Science-Molecular Biosciences and Biotechnology
Arizona State University (2004-2008)
- Member of Alpha Epsilon Delta Premedical Honor Society
- Member of Support for International Change
- Student Researcher: Arizona State University Biodesign Institute - Biodesign Center for Immunotherapy, Vaccines, and Virotherapy in Dr. Bertram Jacobs' lab